Saturday, November 13, 2010

Comfort vs. Disconcertion

November 13

Depending upon the status of your relationship with God or your lack thereof, it is very comforting or very disconcerting to know that He is totally aware of you – He sees your inner man and your external circumstances with utmost clarity. There is nothing about you that is hidden from Him.

This gives great comfort to the individual who yearns after the presence of God in his life and desires to see the manifestation of the power of the Holy One in all that regards his existence. To the one who is fleeing from God, living a life contrary to His will, this is a worrisome notion, for he prefers to keep his deeds secret.

Yet, the omnipresence of God is a reality. Whether in the life of the believer who longs to be near Him or that of the scoffer who denies Him, He is an ever-present, all knowing entity. Psalm 139 conveys the reality of His presence. It sets forth an awesome array of the aspects of our glorious Lord’s attendant watch-care upon His people. There is an amazing truth in verses 7-10:

“Where can I flee from Your Spirit? If I ascend into heaven, You are there. If I make my bed in hell, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost depths of the sea, even there shall Your hand lead me…” The conclusion of the passage in vs. 14, “…marvelous are Your works…” adds to our comfort in knowing He knows us—or to our disconcertion!

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