Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One of the Last Things

March 9

If there is one thing that may have seemed virtually impossible only a generation ago regarding the pre-requisites for the return of Jesus, it is the fact that He said the gospel would be preached worldwide just before His return. Although missionaries made valiant efforts toward that end, anyone could see its attainment was a virtual impossibility.

There have always been pockets of isolation where men exist in as primitive a state as our cave-dwelling ancestors. There have always been people groups whose rigid walls of separatism barred the penetration of the good news of Jesus Christ. In such places, the individual hasn’t had the option of hearing alternate points of view and deciding what he will believe.

The choice has been pre-determined and none but the prescribed world view/religion has been acceptable. In such places of resistance, whole people groups have been denied the possibility of hearing the message of the Savior who came to earth to redeem man from sin by His sacrifice of Himself for that sin. So how does this reality track with Jesus’ assertion in Matthew 24:14 where He says…

…“The gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come.” The advent of the internet which goes into primitive and ‘closed’ cultures brings a dissemination of the Word of God in truth and power that was impossible a few decades ago. With this turn of events, with the choice it presents to the lost, one of the last things that hinder Jesus’ coming has been removed!


  1. Hi SD! This is MB from CT. I appreciate your views and concerns for the lost. My husband and I served as missionaries with New Tribes Mission, reaching unreached tribal groups with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. My dtr and her husband are in training with them now. It amazes me that there are STILL over 1000 language groups with no scripture translated into their primary language. God is omniscient and He will accomplish His purpose to see the gospel preached to ALL the World. I Pet says He is not willing that any should perish! I believe that each person or language group, will have the opportunity to hear and make a choice wether to receive the gift of eternal life. I don't know how this will be done, but I believe.

  2. I agree with you.

    There are many reports from 'closed' countries of people who have seen visions and dreamed dreams of JESUS. It seems HE is reaching out to sincere seekers with HIS truth when they are unable to find it through human efforts to reach them.

    I agree that every effort must be made to unlock the secrets of the languages of all people groups. The internet affords 'one of' the last solutions toward that end.

    May HE help us to employ every resource toward that end so that all whose hearts are open may find them filled with JESUS.

    Thank you so much for your input. I value what you and your family have done and are in the process of doing to facilitate the end for which we pray--even so, COME LORD JESUS!
