Thursday, June 12, 2014

Focus on the Family/Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

June 12


The Power of Prayer

Sooner or later, many of us may ask ourselves (and God): Does prayer really change things? We're instructed to make our requests known to Him (Philippians 3:6), but can the Sovereign Lord, who knows the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end (Isaiah 48:3), really be persuaded to change His mind or alter His plans?

Both Scripture and experience teach us that prayer can and does make a very real difference in the course of human events, even in a fallen world. Examples include Abraham's intercessions on behalf of Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33), Hezekiah's prayer for the extension of his life (Isaiah 38), or the church's pleas for Peter's release from prison (Acts 12:1-19). Of course, there are also occasions when our petitions seem to go unanswered—or at least, aren't resolved in our timing, or the way we might choose.

The power of prayer is a mystery, which we must embrace by faith. In the final analysis, prayer is not about results. It's about relationship. God wants us to interact with Him, in order that we might know Him, trust Him, and remember Him in all our ways. He wants us to become involved and play an active role in the mystery of His plan for the universe—and allow Him to work in our hearts in the midst of that process.


Will you commit to pray for our nation in 2014?
In the face of widespread insecurity, fear, and hopelessness, our nation desperately needs your prayers.

Today we are surrounded by the effects of forgetting—even forsaking—God, both as a nation and as individuals. The problem is too big for human effort. Our nation has a heart problem, and only God can fix it. Will you join us in prayer as we ask God to heal our land?

"if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Please also join us in prayer for the millions of individuals who are at a critical crossroad and don't even know it. Pray that those who don't know Jesus Christ will turn and find forgiveness, hope, and peace in Him. Let's stand together and ask God to pour out His Spirit on our nation in 2014
Commit to join us today in concerted prayer, for it is only another ‘Great Awakening’ that can save our nation, indeed, our world, from the incursion of the evil works of the enemy into the affairs of men.

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