Friday, June 28, 2019

Thoughts on Today's Verse

"Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the LORD or fully declare his praise?" Psalm 106:2
Thoughts on Today's Verse by Phil Ware
"Almighty!" That's one of the names for God. He is everything we can imagine that is good, right, and holy. But he is so much more! He is more than we can imagine and so much more than we can declare. Even our greatest moments of praise are great understatements of his glory.
My Prayer...
El Shaddai, the One True and Almighty God, you are worthy of all glory, honor, and praise! Thank you for hearing my feeble attempts at praise and being pleased and blessed with my love and my effort. You are too marvelous for my words and beyond my mind's comprehension. I gladly rest my hope and my future in you! In Jesus' name I praise. Amen.

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