Monday, September 12, 2022

Transforming Hope


A 9/11 Promise of Transforming Hope by Dr. Jim Denison

I wish I had been in New York City last night to see the “Tribute in Light” in person. Each September 11, two beams, comprised of eighty-eight seven-thousand-watt xenon lightbulbs, are released into the sky to echo the shape and orientation of the Twin Towers. Just seeing the video of the tribute was deeply moving for me.

All of us old enough to remember 9/11 will never forget it: the shock when the first airplane flew into the North Tower, the horror when the second plane struck the South Tower, the buildings spewing smoke into the sky, the people fleeing their burning floors by jumping to their deaths, the attack on the Pentagon, the collapse of the South Tower, the crash in Pennsylvania, the collapse of the North Tower. Less than three hours after the first plane to be hijacked left the Boston airport, the iconic Twin Towers lay in ruins in Lower Manhattan.

A few years earlier, I stood at the base of the World Trade Center. From the ground, I could not see the top of the two towers. That such colossal buildings could be destroyed so quickly is still staggering to me. Each year’s anniversary is another reminder of our finitude, frailty, and mortality.

Each breath that we draw is a reminder of the frailty of life.  Our own mortality is but one heartbeat away.  May we receive Jesus as our Savior and Lord so the life we have, whether brief or long, will be but the stepping stone to eternity with Him.

May we not limit ourselves to time and allow eternity to be but a mere reflection of what it was meant to be.

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