Thursday, November 2, 2023

Store Up Your Treasure

Store up Your Treasur “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:19–20 “On November 25, 1895, in Leadville, Colorado, a cornerstone of ice was laid that would be the foundation of what would become the largest ice palace ever built in America. The town’s economy had been struggling, so the citizens staged a winter carnival with the palace as the centerpiece. When it was complete, the palace measured 450 x 320 feet. The towers were 90 feet high and it held a 16,000-square-foot skating rink inside. The townspeople were ecstatic, celebrating their newfound hope as a surge of paying visitors came to Leadville. But as happened every year, spring came, which melted away the palace and sent the visitors home. The people of Leadville knew the end was coming to their money-making carnival. Yet, they still hoped that this temporary tourist trap would cure their financial ills for good. But it never did. Unfortunately, countless people do this exact same thing each and every day. They put their hope in temporary things for happiness or security, and then are disappointed time and time again when “spring comes” and the things in which they had so much hope melt away. Every material thing in this world is temporary and will eventually be destroyed. But God endures forever. Put your faith in Him for your joy and your security because He’ll be there for you, for eternity! Prayer Challenge Pray and ask God to help you find your joy in Him, rather than the temporary things of the world.” (From - Daily Living Devotional)

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