Sunday, January 3, 2016

Keep the Faith!

Most Americans (one statistic suggests approximately 80 percent) affirm their faith in Jesus Christ; however, in spite of that impressive statistic, Christian freedom in this land, founded by Christians, for Christians, seems to be eroding.

We have just celebrated the holiday honoring the birth of Jesus 2000 years ago and in some places, saying "MERRY CHRISTMAS" is frowned upon. Prayer in JESUS' name is not allowed at athletic events. Carrying a Bible to school has become cause for suspension. 

We have leaders who would convince us that Islam was at the forefront of the development of our nation, when the truth of the matter is that our fledgling nation's only interaction with Islam was due to the fact that Muslim pirates were attacking American vessels and taking their crewmen as slaves!
Thomas Jefferson sent American Marines to put a stop to that!

And, yes, Thomas Jefferson owned a Quran, but only to attempt to better understand the mindset of this nemesis of Islam that was disrupting American shipping.

Other persuasions have been welcomed here in recent decades and allowed religious liberty but many have done so at the expense of the religion of our founding fathers--Christianity.

A member of a prominent Muslim association has asserted that Islam has not come to America to be equal with other religions but to supersede all other religions--including Christianity.

If our people want to live as a free people, they must recognize that the concept of freedom flows from the heart of our GOD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST who died that men might be free. This is in stark contrast to other religions that demand submission.

The PEACE the LORD JESUS gives, that "passes understanding" as we keep our hearts and our minds focused on HIM far supersedes the peace of Islam that will come, according to Islamic eschatology, when Islam rules the world.

What kind of legacy do YOU want to leave to your progeny? A legacy of FREEDOM that is anchored in the CHRISTIAN FAITH OF OUR FATHERS or a legacy "gone under" because we abandoned our heritage of freedom to a foreign god whose only desire is to subjugate and destroy us?

Let’s keep the faith.

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