SCOTUS decision changes nothing by Bill Wilson
The US Supreme Court decision protecting abortion clinics changes nothing. It only further demonstrates that even without one of the most conservative judges on the court, abortion remains sacrosanct by the highest court.
A decision that doctors who commit abortions will be considered guilty of murder-now, that would change America. A culture that is so enamored with rights, cannot even uphold the right so prominently spoken in its founding document: "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Think of what these unelected tyrants could do with three more leftists on the court.
But there is a solution to the abortion issue: Christians. Yes. Christians. First, just because there is a law that makes murder legal, doesn't mean one has to do it.
Prostitution is legal in Nevada, but Christians don't have to participate in it. A law such as this does not force participation.
If Christians would hold the line on abortion, conquer this evil by showing the love of Christ, holding accountability to those we know, teaching the precepts of life and true liberty in Christ, getting outside the four walls of the Sunday clubs and shining the light of Christ, aiming at changing hearts, AND, at the same time working to make abortion illegal, perhaps there would be no one patronizing abortion clinics.
There are many, however, who call themselves Christians who believe abortion should be legal. Many pastors preach it from the pulpit, or secretly support it.
Imagine the public outcry if today's so-called "civil rights" leaders would take abortion on as the issue it was intended to be-Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood wanted abortion legalized for the purpose of eradicating Black people.
Yet leftist politicians, such as Hillary Clinton and the current president claim they fight for the rights of people of color. What about their right to life? There are so many things wrong with abortion that no nation, doctor or prospective parent who participates in abortion will escape judgment save for the blood of Christ.
As Israel in Jeremiah 2:34, America stands guilty and shameless in the sacrifice of her children, "Also on your skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but plainly upon all these things."
This evil is no secret thing. A Supreme Court decision allowing abortion clinics to have lower medical standards causes these lost people to carry signs and dance in the streets, rally in public, howl to the rooftops in celebrating their man-given "right" to kill their own babies.
Oh how they need Christ! There is no solution in government, nor in politicians, but only in Christ. We are his messengers, not in judgment (for that is his alone), but in love.
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