The heart of GOD is grieved by the hatred and viciousness of those who embrace radical Islam. The heart of the HOLY ONE is broken by man's inhumanity to man.
HE sorrows at the suffering of HIS children. HE weeps as CHRIST wept when believers are brutalized, but HE weeps also for those who perpetrate the evil.
When one dies for his faith in JESUS, he is received into the Throne Room of Heaven where the LORD rises from HIS seat to embrace him and welcome him home.
But the one who has committed the evil deed will one day die himself
and his fate will usher him not through the portal of mercy to the
SAVIOR who died for his sins, for he has rejected HIM. The destiny of
the one who has denied the free gift of forgiveness awaits him in the
flame that will never be quenched.
We who believe that JESUS came to seek and save the lost, that every nation, kindred and tribe are the recipients of HIS salvation, rejoice when we learn of the mercy that is being poured upon those who know HIM not.
LORD JESUS, we implore YOU to continue to visit the unsaved throughout the earth in dreams and visions and with signs and wonders.
Reveal YOURSELF to them in YOUR glory and power and bring them to the saving knowledge that will set them free from bondage to the death of sin and make them alive in the eternal life that YOU hold out to them.
We who believe that JESUS came to seek and save the lost, that every nation, kindred and tribe are the recipients of HIS salvation, rejoice when we learn of the mercy that is being poured upon those who know HIM not.
LORD JESUS, we implore YOU to continue to visit the unsaved throughout the earth in dreams and visions and with signs and wonders.
Reveal YOURSELF to them in YOUR glory and power and bring them to the saving knowledge that will set them free from bondage to the death of sin and make them alive in the eternal life that YOU hold out to them.

Islam to Christ! Ex-Muslim talks about the underground church in Iran
and God's heart for lost Muslims. Listen to his powerful testimony, then
join us for another night of intercessory prayer as we ask God to visit Muslims around the globe in dreams and visions during the last days of Ramadan.
Dr. Hormoz Shariat is an expert in underground Church planting in Iran using Media (TV, Internet, Social Media). Learn more about his ministry here: @iranaliveministries
Romans 8:38:
38 For I am convinced [and continue to be convinced—beyond any doubt] that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present and threatening, nor things to come, nor powers, can keep us from the love of GOD which is in JESUS CHRIST our LORD.
Learn more about miraculous visitations:
Dr. Hormoz Shariat is an expert in underground Church planting in Iran using Media (TV, Internet, Social Media). Learn more about his ministry here: @iranaliveministries
Romans 8:38:
38 For I am convinced [and continue to be convinced—beyond any doubt] that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present and threatening, nor things to come, nor powers, can keep us from the love of GOD which is in JESUS CHRIST our LORD.
Learn more about miraculous visitations:
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