Sunday, June 26, 2016


Why is AMERICA under such attack? Why are the forces of tyranny so determined to undo this nation?

Perhaps we cannot know the answer that question outside the realm of the spiritual.

Oh, yes, it seems a political issue. It seems to be the contentious vying for power that attends those in positions of leadership; however there is a deeper meaning and that is the one rooted in the dedication of this nation to the GOD of Heaven at its inception by its founders.

This nation was established by men who cherished freedom above all else--freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, and the precious list goes on.

The evil one has attempted to destroy this nation in the past, and he couldn't crush it in its cradle because its fathers gave all they had to rescue it from tyranny.

Then he strove to destroy it from within when a great Civil War tore families apart in order that the evil institution of slavery would be eradicated from the land.

Two World Wars consumed the strong young men of the land in his effort to strip the country of future leadership.

But none of these, and none of his other efforts succeeded. But now there is a full frontal assault against the process of candidate selection. The people are speaking but politicians and political commentators are defying the people in an endeavor to wrest power from their hands.

As things stand, the clear looser in this election cycle is "the people."

As things stand, the clear winner in this election cycle is the power-holders in both major parties.

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