Monday, November 28, 2016

No Matter

No matter how man may rage, no matter how nations may boast, we know the final word, the ultimate authority is in CHRIST ALONE.

A cleaver example of how fallacious a man, or mankind in general can be is illustrated in this anecdote from the life of Abraham Lincoln:

The people we encounter in our lives do not necessarily see us with the respect or the dignity or the honor we might think we deserve.

When we are denied civility because we are not deemed to be worthy of kindness or decency, we must not allow our perception of ourselves to be diminished.  We must always recognize that we are precious in the sight of God.  Christ thought we were worth dying for, so our value in heavenly places is incalculable.

Though nations may think they have the power to destroy us, they can do nothing when the HOLY ONE has us secure in the hollow of HIS hand.

An example of a man who was sometimes demeaned by haughty individuals who thought him too rough and rustic to be accorded any respect is our sixteenth president.

In an encounter with an elitist lawyer who, during a trial, dismissed him as a rustic bumpkin, Abraham Lincoln posed him a simple riddle. “If we call a tail a leg, how many legs does a horse have?’

The smug lawyer replied, “Five.”

Lincoln corrected him. “No, he still has four legs, because calling a tail a leg does not make it one.”

Men and nations may boast of their prowess, of their power against us, but nothing can withstand the power of GOD who keeps us in all our ways. 

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