Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Stand Boldly

There are entities that have ascended at times of great trial; entities that would have violently subdued freedom and that viciously persecuted people of faith in order to eradicate GOD from the cultural horizon and substituted HIM with a reliance upon governments which are made up of mere men.

There is now upon the horizon an entity that purports itself to be of god and whose stated goal is the subjugation of all mankind under its perverted law.

If those who believe in CHRISTIANITY, who affirm that the risen JESUS is not only the hope and salvation of man but the CREATOR of man, remain silent at this juncture in time, they will be complicit in the ultimate achievement of the goal of a one-world governmental and religious entity that desires to dominate the earth.

Believers in CHRIST, stand boldly to proclaim freedom in the land and to uncompromisingly defend your right to "worship the LORD your GOD and serve only HIM."

"I believe that the most essential element of our defense of freedom is our insistence on speaking out for the cause of religious liberty." Ronald Reagan.

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