Monday, November 28, 2016

O, Lord, You're Beautiful

LORD JESUS, YOU are beautiful, and YOU are true, and YOU are loving, and YOU are filled with compassion for YOUR people.

We look to YOU at the time of trial, at the point of need and then and there we find that YOU are faithful.

I ask YOU to look upon YOUR people and to see the way each is enduring the attack of the enemy and I ask YOU to move by the power of YOUR HOLY SPIRIT to neutralize the power of the enemy whenever he comes against them.

I ask YOU to stir within YOUR PEOPLE to remind them that YOU have given to them "the same power that raised JESUS from the dead" (Romans 8:11) and to kindle within them fresh fire of faith to employ that power and to bring down YOUR ancient foe and grind him to fine powder under their feet and scatter him impotent to the wind.

The one "who comes to steal, kill, and destroy" has intensified his assault of YOUR people in these last days because he knows his time is short, but I ask YOU, O BEAUTIFUL and MIGHTY LORD JESUS, our SOON-COMING KING, to raise up YOUR standard against him and to give YOUR people complete victory over him !!

When he attacks their bodies, give them health; when he attacks their finances, give them wealth; when he attacks their faith, give them hope; when he attacks their emotions, give them sound minds; when he attacks their composure, give them peace.

I ask these and all YOUR favors for YOUR people, O BEAUTIFUL ONE, who has overcome the world.

Oh Lord, You're Beautiful (Jesus Culture) - YouTube

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