Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 16

The Lord’s promises are precious—not only to us but to Him. He guards His Word. He fulfills His Word. Some of His intentions toward us are so important in His eyes that He reiterates them throughout the Bible. It’s important to Him that we understand fully that HE KEEPS HIS WORD! His promises cannot fail.

One, an affirmation of His care over His people, is stated in Genesis 28:15 and repeated in other places in scripture. It was first promised to Jacob but applies to us, too. It says, “I am with you and will keep you wherever you go. I will bring you back to the land of your father. I will neither leave you nor forsake you. I will perform all I have promised you.”

There is assurance in these words. Jacob, ‘the usurper’, had stolen the birthright from his older brother Esau (who did not value spiritual things because his focus was on worldly pursuits.) Because of this act, Jacob had to flee his brother’s wrath. God promised Jacob He would be with him as he fled and that He would prosper him in the place where He led him.

The Lord promised also that He would be with him when it was time for him to return to the land of his father. As He said He would, God performed all His word to Jacob. The promise is to us as well. When we lay claim to what the Lord promises to us, He will certainly provide every aspect of the good He has assured is ours. Our part—just trust Him.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to ask God for more trust. I can brag that of the biggest loser contestants God helped me lose the most! Keep praying. I struggle with trusting my wife after all we have been through. May God bless and keep you.
