Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Ultimate Power Trip

June 8

What’s the ultimate power trip? Is it being the guy who aces the test? Lands the big promotion? Wins the fair maiden? Picks the winning lottery number? All of this is heady stuff indeed. All of these things can make a person feel like he’s on top of the world. And all of these things can cause a man’s world to crash around him.

Life is fickle. Circumstances are ever changing. The old saying is that if you don’t like the situation you’re in, don’t sweat it because you won’t be in it long. Life ebbs and flows like the tide. The person who has it all can lose it all. So what then is the ‘ultimate power trip’?

Of course, it has nothing to do with the things of earth and time. It has everything to do with Heaven and eternity. So how can a mere mortal tap into the unseen realm where the Lord Jesus Christ dwells? How can a creature of earth’s dust touch the rarified realm of Heaven? The answer is found in Matthew 16:19.

Here Jesus says, “Whatever you bind on earth is bound in Heaven and whatever you loose on earth is loosed in Heaven.” Your words—spoken with faith in Jesus and confidence in His power—can transform lives from lost-ness to salvation. The power of life and death are yours to speak to those around you. Your ultimate power trip is to use your tongue for Jesus’ purposes and for His glory.

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