Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Great Offense

January 27

The Apostles of Jesus Christ took His call to evangelism seriously. In Mark 16:15, He told them to, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” They endeavored to do just that.

In an age without mass communication, without the funding of a powerful organization behind them, the people who had been close to Jesus—who witnessed His miracles, who heard His powerful teaching, who felt His love and compassion extended, even toward those who hated Him, who saw Him arise the third day—could not but tell others, even if it meant their own deaths to do so.

They went into all the world as He had tasked them to do. They shared the truth of Him with everyone they encountered in every nation they entered. They endured much hardship because of their resolve to carry out the Great Commission. All but one of the Apostles died cruel and violent deaths. They were burned, they were stoned, they were beheaded, they were crucified. Only John died of natural causes in old age while exiled on the Island of Patmos.

And just what was it that they said that was so offensive to the unbelievers around them? The same thing you have perhaps found ignites the ire of the unbelievers around you: “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved—you and your household” (Acts 16:31.) Self-righteous men who are filled with hate could not then and cannot yet today, accept Christ’s love or His message of their need for the salvation He died to supply to them.


  1. Sandra, this is so true and is what I always tell people when they inquire about the validity of the Bible. Thank you again for your inspiring work. Judy

  2. "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." Trust in His Holy Spirit to accomplish all--for as HE said, "Without ME, you can do nothing." With Him, you can do all things.

    Thank you.
