Thursday, January 13, 2011

Heaven's Treasure

January 13

God is no respecter of persons. He doesn’t have a ‘pecking order.’ He does not esteem some individuals to be of high degree over those man considers to be lowly. God sees all men through the prism of Jesus Christ. Nobody is considered to be of lesser or greater worth because of who he is or what he’s accomplished.

Once, while contemplating the inequities of life, I lamented to myself—or, perhaps more correctly, complained before the Lord—‘How can it be, if God is fair, that some men are so rich and others are so poor? Why are some people healthy while others are sick? Why do some live long, fruitful lives while others die so young?

And the Lord spoke to me at the point of my pondering. He said, ‘Christ is the equalizer. Apart from Him, a man is impoverished no matter how great his wealth may be. With Jesus, a poor man possesses the treasure of eternity. The healthy man, apart from Jesus is suffering from the sickness of sin, while the sick man who knows Christ is every bit whole. The live man who knows Him not is dead in his trespasses. The dead man who knows Jesus is alive forever!’

Those words impacted my perception of fairness. They caused me to know that the God we serve is absolutely fair. As His Word says, “God will respond to the prayer of the destitute; He will not despise their plea…”Psalm 102:17. The Almighty One does not turn a deaf ear to any man’s cry. He does not turn any man away empty. He lays before everyone the opportunity to esteem the eternal above the temporal—and to possess Christ—Heaven’s Treasure!

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