Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Promised Wisdom

December 3

In Psalm 90:12, David speaks in the Lord’s behalf when he says, “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” The years, months, weeks and even the hours of our existence flee away with great rapidity. Our celebrations—birthdays, holidays, special events, so anticipated, are gone in a twinkling.

Those anticipated moments such as a wedding, the birth of a first child, promotion to a hard-sought position…things that make life worth the daily struggle…are hardly realized before they are relegated to the realm of memory, until they become a mere, fleeting recollection in our moments of reminiscing.

But, if we stop as David admonishes us to do, if we actually ponder the days that have slipped so quickly away, we take from our contemplation a sense of profound realization that all our moments of glory, anticipation, celebration, joy have left us without lasting advantage. In that realization comes the promised wisdom.

With the revelation of the inability of the temporal to satisfy, comes our yearning for something that will—and with that yearning comes the search for eternity’s treasure. When we are awakened to our utter inability to find what our hearts long to possess in the things time offers, we are ready to receive Jesus, eternity’s incomparable gift.


  1. As you ponder the veracity of these thoughts, please turn to I Corinthians 1:18-29 which tells us that, "...the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men..."

    The entirety of this passage encourages us to trust in HIS WISDOM, HIS PERCEPTION, rather than in the fallacious wisdom of man.

    The above verse(25) reminds us that the concept of one man dying for the sin of all mankind is utter nonsense to the world and the idea that Jesus in His death was weak is a total misunderstanding of what was accomplished at the cross.

    We need to anchor our lives--for time and eternity--on the only TRUTH, the only STRENGTH, the only HOPE, the only LOVE that mankind has; that being Christ crucified and raised into glory in our behalf.

    May this glorious truth set you free to live for Him and to in Him. Jesus loves you.

  2. live for Him and to trust in Him...(sorry)
