Thursday, July 12, 2012

Trust Me

July 12

There are some who dispute the deity of Christ. They are willing to allow that He was a brilliant teacher, an excellent moralist, even an anointed prophet, but they dispute the claim that He was the Son of God and a co-equal member of the Triune Personhood of the One True and Living God who saves, heals and resurrects fallen man to life eternal.

Why? The most logical answer to that question is that the finite, human mind has great difficulty in wrapping itself around a concept that is infinite and divine. How can an earth-bound creature of time begin to appropriate the mind of a Being who flung the stars into space and ordained that the planet Earth be uniquely suited to human habitation?

So we excuse the doubts of our fellow sojourners through this Vale of Tears because we understand their struggle with faith. We know how easy it is to lapse into unbelief when our hopes are dashed and our dreams are thwarted. We want God to be the ‘genie in the bottle’ who appears at our command and supplies the fruit of the expectations that are dear to us. When life disappoints us, we feel empty and void.

Even people of faith can lapse into doubt when they cannot see God’s plan of deliverance. But we do have a word of encouragement from Jesus when we face those times of disappointment. In John 14:1 He says, “Trust in God and trust also in Me.” The key word is trust. We must say with Paul in Romans 4:21, “I am fully persuaded that what He has promised, He is able to perform.”

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