Monday, August 4, 2014

Covered by the Blood of the Lamb

August 4

“And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains,” Revelation 6:15.

"They shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, from the terror of the LORD and the glory of His majesty, when He arises to shake the earth mightily," Isaiah 2:19

“Say to the mountains, 'Cover us!' and to the hills, 'Fall on us!'"Hosea 10:8.

In that amazing day when the wrath of God is poured out, men and women of every origin, status, race and creed—from king to slave—will flee for the caves under the mountains in a vain attempt to hide themselves from God and from the “wrath of the Lamb,” Revelation 6:16.

They are attempting to avoid God’s judgment by finding a refuge of safety but this would be an unsuccessful mission, for their intent to secure a place to hide from the Holy One must fail. There is nowhere that the eyes of the Holy One cannot see. Instead of hiding in the clefts of the rocks, they should be hiding in the arms of the Lamb, but they refuse His call, "Come unto Me," Matthew 11:28 .

Perhaps we see a parallel today when terrorists creep into Israel through tunnels with the intent of wreaking havoc upon the Israeli population. When they are discovered, they flee back into their tunnels, which, it is reported, have their entrances in the homes of Palestinian civilians.

Their cowardice in hiding behind the skirts of women and the toys of children should be a source of shame to them but they despise the Jews with such intensity that they cannot comprehend the injustice of their exposing their own children to retaliation. Their end, killing the Jews, justifies any means in the single focus of their hate-filled eye.

The peace for which the world searches vainly will only come, in the words of Golda Maier, "When they love their children more than they hate us."

Perhaps this is a foretaste of the way it shall be at the end of time when the wrath of the Holy One comes upon the rebellion of men. From the lowliest of men to the most high born, they shall flee to the mountains to cover them from the impending doom of God’s judgment.

That avenue of escape will not be viable on that day, however. In the words of the Apostle Paul, “Behold now is the accepted time; behold today is the day of salvation,” II Corinthians 6:2.

If man hopes to escape the wrath of God when His fury is unleashed against sinful mankind, he must not turn to the mountains or the rocks to cover him but to the blood of the Lamb of God that was poured out for his salvation on Mount Calvary (see Matthew 26:28.)

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