Saturday, August 16, 2014

Trust Him

August 16

“…I am the Lord that healeth thee,” Exodus 15:26

A Christian lady who is a member of an Assemblies of God Church tells the story of an experience she had as a young believer who grew up in the Roman Catholic faith but became a Pentecostal when she married her husband.

The young couple had moved from their hometown to a neighboring state but whenever they went home for a visit, the young wife would always visit an elderly Italian lady who had been her grandmother’s best friend.

During one of these visits, the older woman asked abruptly, “What religion are you?”

The young visitor was somewhat taken aback because her old friend had been Catholic all her life and she feared she would be offended to discover her conversion to another faith, but she told her the truth.

The old lady, whose name was Mary Grace, responded in a surprising way. She said, “That’s good!”

The younger woman replied, “Mrs. DelGlazzio, you surprise me!”

The stunned look on her guest’s face made Mrs. DelGlazzio laugh. Then she told her story:

When I was a young woman, I was diagnosed with kidney failure. There was nothing to be done for my condition, for in those days (the turn of the Twentieth Century) medicine had not advanced as it has today.

Every day my doctor would come in as I lay in my bed and he was inevitably followed by my priest. One day, their visits overlapped. They thought I was asleep so they began talking about my condition. The priest asked the doctor how long he thought it would be until my illness took my life. The doctor said he thought it would be a matter of days, if not hours.

When they left my room, I began to weep and to pray to God. I said, “Jesus, I have two little boys! I can’t die! Please help me to be well so I can live to raise my children.”

At the turn of the Twentieth Century in America, a Pentecostal revival was sweeping the land. It had begun in California at a place called Azuza Street but it didn’t take long until pockets of Pentecostal believers were cropping up around the country, including in the immigrant community, of which Mrs. DelGlazzio was a part.

One of the members of the local Italian community had heard the message of salvation and healing and power in Jesus’ name and he embraced it.

Within a half hour of the departure of the doctor and the priest this Pentecostal believer entered Mrs. DelGlazzio’s home and walked into her bedroom where she appeared to be sleeping. He knelt down beside her bed and prayed a powerful prayer that reiterated her own prayer.

He said, “Lord Jesus, this young woman cannot die. She has two little boys to raise and a husband who needs her. I command that she be made every bit whole and well in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen.”

Mrs. DelGlazzio concluded her story by saying, “The next morning when the priest and the doctor arrived at my home, I prepared breakfast for them.”

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever,” Hebrews 13:8. Whatever YOUR need is, Jesus is the provision for your need. He is the full supply for everything you lack. He hears you. He loves you. He will help you. Trust Him.

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