Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Unflinching and Harsh

Why should a preacher's message be so unflinching and harsh?

Why shouldn't he expound a friendly gospel that touches people with a positive message that reinforces them, that validates their life style choices rather than to call out their sins and foibles?


Because hell is still hot.
Because HEAVEN is still real.
Because sin is still wrong.
Because the BIBLE is still GOD'S WORD.
Because JESUS is still the only way of salvation.

A preacher must not allow himself to be among those who tickle our itching ears with pleasant lies but he must be among those who challenge our proclivity to sin with its ultimate consequence.

As the WORD says, "the pleasure of sin is for a moment, but after this, is the judgement." If our name is to be found in the LAMB'S BOOK of LIFE, our preachers must preach the truth in power and in love.

In defiance of what the world wants to hear, they must preach the truth, "in season and out of season."

A.W. Tozer- A man of God

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