Monday, February 25, 2019

Supplant America

Sen. Marco Rubio: 'The Chinese Effort to Supplant America Has No Precedent - Breitbart
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) told Breitbart News exclusively that China's intense international push for global dominance is the biggest threat that America has ever faced, even more substantial than the one that the Soviet Union posed in the 20th century during the Cold War.
Rubio last week released an explosive 80-page report on China's push to supplant the United States as the world's economic superpower. The report, titled "Made in China 2025: And the Future of American Industry," walks through in great detail exactly what the Chinese are doing and how they are doing it with regard to attempting to replace the United States on the world stage.
Rubio told President Trump that he is America's last hope to get this right-and that if Trump fails, no future president will be able to succeed in the way of stopping China.
"If President Trump doesn't get this right, no one else after him will. This is not just about trade. This is about 21st century geopolitics and what the world is going to look like over the next 70 to 80 years if we get this wrong. It will define what the world looks like. It's one of those fracture moments-one of those key points in history. We'll look back one day and say, 'that was the decision that defined the world today.'"
Because of that very real threat, our prayer must be, "Lord God in heaven, pull down the intense pride in China to control the United States of America and let it never supplant America. We pray for God to cleanse our land of all its bloodshed. Father God, let 'Made in China' be stopped today. Anoint President Trump to stop China from rising in its evil anti-Christ schemes to rule the world. We pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen."
-"They cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them out of all their distresses," Psalm 107:6.

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