Thursday, April 25, 2019


Sources by Bill Wilson
Sources with first-hand knowledge of the situation at the US-Mexico border have been expressing frustration about the lack of attention the crisis is receiving in Washington, D.C.
When asked if the conditions there were as bad as being reported, one source said, "Far worse." Concerns are that the crossings into the US are bringing with them disease, drugs, crime, and most unfortunately, human trafficking. Facilities are stressed to the max. Border patrol personnel are frustrated, and there seems to be no end in sight to throttle the massive invasion coming through Mexico to the US.
One reliable inside source gave a detailed assessment of the problems, which are well known to those trying to deal with them.
He writes, "For you information, I saw a Memo today that says in the first six months of this fiscal year (Oct-Mar), the U.S. Border Patrol reported 361,000 apprehensions across the Southwest border. This exceeds all apprehensions in Fiscal Year 2017, and is twice as many compared to this timeframe last year.
"Over 225,000 of those apprehended - 62 percent - are
unaccompanied children mostly from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. These vulnerable populations need a special level of care while in custody and the Border Patrol simply does not have facilities or the personnel needed to care for, transport and process them, and "In short, this crisis has overwhelmed the Border Patrol's capacity and resources.""
He continued: "I personally don't know the conditions in those three named countries. If something could be done to help those small countries so their own citizens could have a hope to build a life in their own land, it would help on all fronts.
There are those in Congress who are complaining that President Trump isn't doing anything about that....but one can't ignore the crisis at the Border either...Politicians should come together to address both sides of the problem....
Oh wait, that's the REAL problem, isn't it? They are politicians and not leaders!!
They are wasting all their time attacking each other and NEVER ADDRESSING, LET ALONE SOLVING, ANY REAL PROBLEMS OR ISSUES FACING THE PEOPLE OF OUR OWN COUNTRY. The whole of Congress is a disgrace - each individual, bar none - for their failure to lead."
Ezekiel 22:30 is often quoted as an encouraging verse. Part A says, "And I sought for a man among them, that should build up the wall, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it."
What is often not quoted from this verse is the rest of it. Part B says, "but I found none."
America is in a position right now that there are no statesmen to light the way to solve our many challenges. They are too busy fighting one another, standing in the path of progress, while the enemy floods the gaps in the wall. So many people ask me "What can be done."
It is so difficult to say.
It must start with prayer. May we come to unity in faith, wisdom and action. We need those who will stand in the gap that we as a people do not perish.

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