Sunday, April 21, 2019

You Say

You Say
You say you don't believe in gravity, but if you fall, your downward plunge will prove you wrong.
It's easy to see evidence of gravity, so the doubter can usually be persuaded of his fallacious denial.
You say you don't believe in GOD, but the evidence of HIS handiwork abounds in every nook and cranny of the world and within your own remarkable body.
It's not as easy to accept the HOLY ONE as CREATOR of everything that exists because alternate, somewhat plausible theories exist. If the notion of the wonder of life having emerged from a primordial slime seems feasible, it can be embraced as an alternative to creation by the hand and the word of a MIGHTY GOD.
You say you don't believe in an eternal paradise with JESUS or in an eternal hell with the fallen angels. The damning evidence of your decision to deny your need for a SAVIOR remains to be seen.
The unseen, eternal consequences of your unbelief will not be evident to you until it will be too late for you to do anything to remedy your choice. 

However, while you have life and breath, you can invite the HOLY SPIRIT of the LIVING GOD to move upon your unbelief and "teach you all things." With your open heart and open mind, you can receive the wonderous revelation that will transform you from doubt to faith.

May this RESURRECTION SUNDAY find you lifted from the grave of unbelief into the glorious joy of kneeling at the feet of JESUS.
When you do, you, too will be risen from death to life.

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