Sunday, October 25, 2020


This post confronts the issue of abortion and states the truth that righteousness is not attained by any nation simply by making abortion illegal. It recognizes the necessity for holy living as the basis of all law.

Many state that carrying an unwanted child to term creates insurmountable challenges for parents who are too young to raise and nurture a child but another reality must be factored into that equation.
That is the unfortunate reality that many childless couples would gladly adopt the un-wanted babies that are conceived each year if only they were available at an affordable cost. Unfortunately, they are not. A childless couple can pay tens of thousands of dollars to obtain a child to love--and often, even at that high cost, a baby will not be available in this country.
Many childless couples have resorted to foreign adoptions -- and the costs of travel and other related out-laying of monies is still less than that of the rare opportunity to adopt a child within country.
Saving the lives of these precious babies not only gives them a chance to live and pursue happiness but gives prospective parents the opportunity to assume the role for which they yearn.

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