Monday, February 22, 2021

Tribute to An Old Friend

 Tribute to An Old Friend

The Selective Service Recognizes Excellence
He began his teaching career during the Viet Nam War Era when the Selective Service employed a “number system” to determine which young men would be drafted and which would not.
Although he delved into his career with his whole heart – staying after school to assist needy students with concepts they could not easily master, spending his own money on enriching field trips, as well as simply being excellent in the classroom – he could not shake himself from the conviction that his number would come up and he would be drafted.
I had just been "born again." I delighted in the reality that Jesus was not only my Savior but my Friend. I believe those who told me that He wanted to speak to me and guide my life. I felt He had spoken to me to affirm that my friend would not be drafted; that the Lord recognized him as being vital in the classroom.
But--his expectation was realized when, indeed, a draft notice arrived. It included the day he was to present himself for boot camp. He came to my house when he received the letter and my response to reading it was, “I don’t care what this paper says, you’re not going in the army.”
A letter-writing campaign was initiated and each student in fourth and fifth grades was allowed to write his own letter to the Selective Service asking that their beloved teacher be allowed to remain at their school.
On the Sunday night before his departure for service the following Tuesday, I had gone to church with friends. I was depressed because I felt I had not only made a fool of myself but I had also cast aspersions on my faith by saying God had spoken to me and I was sure he wasn’t to go into the service.
The service was exuberant, but I was unmoved – until there was a message in tongues and my spirit leapt within me because I knew it was for me. I will never forget the words of the interpretation as long as I live: “THERE IS A DAUGHTER OF MINE HERE TONIGHT WHO THINKS SHE HAS MADE A FOOL OF HERSELF AND CAST ASPERSIONS ON HER FAITH, BUT I WANT HER TO KNOW THAT TOMORROW MORNING, SHE SHALL SEE MY GLORY.”
While I was in church, my friend received a phone call from Mr. Robert Ford, who was the head of the Selective Service in the state of Pennsylvania. Mr. Ford informed him that he would be receiving an official letter to confirm his phone call – the Selective Service agreed with the children at our school – THAT AN EXCELLENT TEACHER WAS NEEDED MUCH MORE IN THE CLASSROOM THAN HE WAS IN THE ARMY.
Countless children were advantaged through the years by the dedication of a superb teacher. May every child be blessed to have teachers of his caliber in their live. If you are a teacher, may you commit yourself to being such a teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Hello:
    Thanks for sharing your story.
    Selective Service Public Affairs Matthew Tittmann
    P.S. All men 18-25 are still required to register.
