Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Indestructible Word of God


The Indestructible Word of God by                                            Dr. D. James Kennedy

I will delight in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word.

— Psalm 119:16

We are living in a time when Biblical ignorance is widespread. Except for a small proportion of those who faithfully and daily study the Word of God, Americans are a Biblically illiterate people. But the Bible is the greatest of treasures. It is the indestructible Word of God, the unconquerable Word of God. Dr. A. Z. Conrad said this about the indestructible Word of God:

Century follows century—there it stands. Empires rise and fall—there it stands. Dynasty succeeds dynasty—there it stands. Kings are crowned and die—there it stands. Emperors decree its exterminations—there it stands. Despised and torn to pieces—there it stands. Storms of hate swirl about it—there it stands. Atheists rail against it—there it stands. Agnostics smile cynically—there it stands. Profane, prayerless punsters caricaturize it—there it stands. Unbelief abandons it—there it stands. Higher critics deny its inspiration—there it stands. Thunderbolts of wrath smite it—there it stands. An anvil that has broken a million hammers—there it stands.

Not only is the Word of God indestructible, but its vital importance extends to every phase of our lives.

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