Monday, June 20, 2016

Asia Bibi

LORD JESUS, the enemy has so many ways of binding YOUR people!

Everywhere, there is evidence of his evil onslaught against people of faith.

But we know, dear and precious SAVIOR that YOU are far, far greater in power than he is! We know that YOU can arrest him in his evil intent and bring his onslaught to nothing!

That is what we ask YOU to do--release the captives, whether they are bound in prisons of stone walls and iron bars or in prisons of disease or in prisons of depression or in prisons of poverty, or in prisons of deception-- release them, JESUS, for YOUR OWN glory's sake.

We will give YOU all the praise, for we know YOU are the ONE who sets the captives free!

LAHORE, Pakistan -- Seven years ago, Pakistan put a Christian mother in prison and later sentenced her to death for defending her faith.Only one other Christian has…

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