Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Free-will Choice

The humorous story is told of a family that had four children who always denied responsibility when any mischief occurred in the home.

The inevitable answer to the question, "Which one of you ...?" was, "Not me." Sorting through the denials became a daunting task for the parents, but their interrogation skills sharpened with much use.

Man tends to employ that same proclivity to avoid responsibility when something goes wrong into adulthood. He may not know who is the culprit; he simply knows it is, "not me."

The tragedy in Orlando finds everyone from the president to the media shuffling the facts to support their concept of who is to blame.

Mr. Obama is convinced that gun ownership is responsible for the horrific attack in a Florida nightclub. This opinion has been stated by the president after several similar tragedies.

Many people have begun to blame Muslims. It is difficult to fail to observe the fact that the terrorism perpetrated around the world is being done, virtually without exception, by adherents to the religion of Islam.

Some people are blaming fundamentalism in general. Although the perpetrators of terrorism are Muslim, the blame is being allocated to Christian fundamentalists as well as to Islamic fundamentalists. The logic behind this application of responsibility diversely is difficult to grasp, but it appeals to many.

Perhaps the most difficult explanation to wrap our minds around is the one that blames GOD. Many ask, "Where was GOD when this senseless violence occurred?" "Why didn't GOD do something to stop the terrorist in his tracks before he fired a single shot?" "Why didn't GOD make the shooter's wife inform the police that an attack was impending?"

All these questions may be answered with a single statement: "Man has a free will." GOD does not impose HIMSELF upon an individual any more than HE imposes HIMSELF upon a nation. The ability to determine ones own course is clearly stated in HOLY WRIT.

"Choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15

When more of us make that free-will decision, the frequency of Orlando tragedies will lessen exponentially.

Must we not resolve to make that choice?

GOD, YOU are good even when there is no good in us!

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