Thursday, June 16, 2016

GOD Is Good--But Where Is HE?

GOD is good--all the time.

Events such as those in Orlando make us wonder ... not about the goodness of GOD but about HIS involvement in the affairs of men. 

We cannot help but wonder where HE is when tragedy strikes. We wonder why HE does not use HIS great power to prevent the horror of a demonic attack such as that in Florida.

But we live in a fallen world and the HOLY ONE has assured man a free will. When man exercises his freedom in a way that gives evidence of evil, it is because he has personally chosen evil over good; he has personally chosen the devil over the SAVIOR.

JESUS knows the heart of man and because of man's proclivity to sin, the LORD has said, "In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world." John 16:33. JESUS will--in time or in eternity--overcome the evil of Orlando.

The devil, "the prince and power of the air," Ephesians 2:2, can stir up horrific storms, but JESUS can speak to the heart of man in the midst of the storm, "Peace. Be still." Matthew 4:29

The devil can enter the heart of a man to do evil, even as he entered the heart of Judas and tempted him to betray the CHRIST for thirty pieces of silver. Luke 22:3

The devil can enter the heart of a man to ruthlessly murder 50 of his fellow-men without remorse, but JESUS has promised to everyone who believes that when this temporal life is over, eternal life will have just begun.

Taste and see that the LORD is indeed, good. Reap the blessings of HIS peace and assurance that transcend the trouble of this lost and decaying world.

Know the power of the ONE who assures, "When the enemy comes in like a flood, the LORD will raise up a standard against him." Isaiah 59:19

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