Wednesday, June 8, 2016


LORD JESUS, we who trust Your Name come before YOU with prayer and supplication, beseeching that YOU sweep over this land with a mighty revival, with a THIRD GREAT AWAKENING that will bring every American to his knees before YOU, our GREAT and GLORIOUS SAVIOR GOD.

We beseech that YOU do signs and wonders among us--that YOU restore health and wholeness to the diseased and broken, that YOU instill faith in the faithless and stir up hope in the hopeless.

We ask YOU to topple the high places of worship of false gods of power and wealth and lust and corruption. We ask YOU to bring down the altars of the enemy wherever they have been erected so that all mankind will worship YOU alone!

We hunger and thirst after righteousness, and we ask YOU to feed us with the BREAD of LIFE and to quench our thirst with the pure LIVING WATER of TRUTH that YOU ARE!

Show us YOURSELF, JESUS, in our visions, in our dreams, in our prayers, in our expectations and in the answers to our prayers.

In YOUR mighty, matchless name we ask, JESUS. Amen.

He Came for Us - Voice of Revival, Courtney McBath. Watch Christian video & TV shows from ministry broadcasts and programs free online.

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