Thursday, June 9, 2016

Simply Semantics?

Perhaps it is simply semantics, but a more precise request might be that this nation be restored once again to its place in the LORD.

There was a time when our country, although far from the perfect will of GOD in many of its actions, was at its heart a nation founded on the Judeo- Christian principles that established it as a Christian nation with godly goals.

Our HOLY GOD used this nation to establish freedom in a world that knew little about the rights of free men. Our HOLY GOD used this nation to fight a costly civil war to abolish slavery. Our HOLY GOD used this nation to set captives free from tyranny around the globe.

But now, this land, this shining light on a hill that has beckoned lovers of freedom to come from all over the world has watched its lantern dim in the darkness of encroaching humanism and socialism that have superseded the Biblical framework that made it free.

May we who believe be on our faces before the SAVIOR, beseeching HIM to revive us by the power of HIS HOLY SPIRIT moving among us and restoring us to that place where we may again be an instrument in HIS hand to the effecting of HIS purposes among the nations of the earth.

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