Thursday, June 16, 2016


"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; but I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly." John 10:10

The following article by Dr. Kennedy is quite sobering in light of the recent tragedy in Orlando. The sudden and unexpected nature of the rampage that occurred and its carnage came upon the victims without provocation.

There is no way any of us could have been prepared for what befell our brothers and sisters in Orlando...and that is often the way death is. It comes suddenly. It allows no opportunity for preparation.

Whether a traffic accident or a heart attack or a fall down a flight of stairs or a horrific act of terrorism, death comes without warning.

Had we been in Orlando that night, perhaps we would have heard prayers uttered by the victims who only moments before had been caught up in the frivolity of the atmosphere of the club. Had we been there, we would have been saying those prayers.

Perhaps there would have been supplication to GOD on the lips of some who had not prayed for a long time, for at the moment when ones mortality is confronted, childhood lessons of eternity return.
We can only imagine how many reaffirmed their salvation, reclaimed the Savior's loving provision during the shooter's demonic rampage. In the face of the one who "comes to steal, kill, and destroy," the offer of "life and that more abundantly" becomes much more attractive. John 10:10

No, we weren't there on that awful night of satan's onslaught against the unsuspecting innocents who perished, but each of us will the there at the point of confrontation with death at our own "appointed time." (See Hebrews 9:27.)

There is only one way to be ready for that moment when death's rounds bring him to our door...when he comes knocking, the CHRIST within our heart will answer: "Don't bother, I AM taking this one home with ME."

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