Saturday, June 11, 2016



Isn't it strange that the president who is cutting back funding for the American military is sending such a significant amount of taxpayer dollars to Iran to bolster their military?

U.S. Funds Iranian Military with $1.7 Billion by Steve Berman

After the Obama administration shoved the Iran nuclear deal down America’s throat, now we learn that our government paid Iran $1.7 billion in taxpayer money, which the Islamic Republic used to build up its military.

From the Washington Free Beacon:
Lawmakers recently launched an investigation to determine if the payment was in fact part of a secret ransom deal with Iran, the Free Beacon recently disclosed.

Iranian officials have now disclosed that officials have ordered that this $1.7 billion be allocated to the Islamic Republic’s military forces.

Iran’s military investment comes as it seeks to boost its forces stationed in the Persian Gulf region. Iran also is engaged in several controversial arms deals with the Russians, including the purchase of several warplanes and an advanced missile system.

The State Department went mum on this revelation.
What will Iran use those weapons for?

This year’s spike in Iran’s military budget gives it greater resources to escalate its involvement in proxy wars in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, and to accelerate the pace of its ballistic missiles program.

U.S. inaction as Iran doubles down on its military objectives is not, as President Obama recently described it, a step towards helping Tehran “share the neighborhood” with other regional powers. Instead, it brings the region one step closer to military conflict.

America wrote that check because Obama wants to partner with Iran for “peace and stability.”
Does it seem, perhaps, that the fox is in charge of the hen house?

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