Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Front Porch

The Front Porch

Long ago, in a simpler time and place, children had the delight of using their imaginations limitlessly, and the front porch was a springboard for many of their minds' inventions.

Gloria and I played on the front porch almost daily. There were two large wicker chairs on our front porch. On a given day, one of them would be her house and one would be mine. We would lovingly care for our baby dolls, preparing food for them in our 'kitchen' and tucking them in for naps in their 'crib.'

On another day, we would be teachers, extolling our students from our 'desks' and writing the lessons of the day on our imaginary chalkboards.

Rainy days were particularly wonderful, for then our front porch became a stormy sea and we navigated through the wind and imaginary waves with great navigational skill.

I like to hope that Gloria's new mansion in heaven has a front porch--and one day she and I will be there reminiscing about the good and simple fun we shared, and delighting in the ONE who will join us there.

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