Friday, June 10, 2016

Trust in the LORD

God didn't say that it would be easy to trust HIM.

Life has a tendency to shout its distress to us while HE speaks in a "still, small voice."
Life pushes and shoves us, knocks us over in the dog-eat-dog world while HE whispers to us as HE did to the waves, "Peace, be still."

The godless rage against those with whom they disagree while the man of faith in JESUS CHRIST spends himself to advantage those who are lost in trespasses and sin.

The devil hurls his delights at the unwary...he offers them humiliation veiled as fun; slavery to sin disguised as freedom; self-denigrating debauchery cloaked in license to pursue every pleasure, while JESUS simply says, "Trust Me. I will wash away all your sin."

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