Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Where the Spirit of the Lord Is

"Though your sins be scarlet, they shall be washed white as snow." Isaiah 1:18

Where sin abounds, there is bondage to death.

People of faith in America are on their knees, beseeching the LORD in the behalf of this nation that was placed at HIS feet at its inception.

They are praying for a Third Great Awakening. Believers in Christ are imploring Him to send a Holy Spirit revival that ignites this nation once again as a firebrand for Christian truth, with a missionary fervor to see souls awakened to faith in JESUS CHRIST as SAVIOR and LORD.

Will you join them? Will you lift up your voice in fervent supplication to our Holy God, beseeching Him to revive us again?

Pray over your nation. Pray over your state. Pray over your county. Pray over your city. Pray over your neighborhood. Pray over your school. Pray over your workplace. Pray over your home. Pray over your family. Pray over yourself--PRAY THAT JESUS CHRIST WILL BE LIFTED UP IN ALL THESE PLACES AND AROUND THE WORLD!

Remember, "Where the SPIRIT of the LORD is, there is freedom." II Corinthians 3:17

This article takes a look at the epic tales of two cities, Nineveh and Jerusalem. These comparisons are made to determine which one of these locations best characterizes America's current spiritual condition.

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