Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Words to Ponder

“Cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He cares for you.”  I Peter 5:7

Quotes of Presidents
 “Those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. “    John F. Kennedy

“Shamar (Hebrew):  Be careful, take heed, restrain, keep diligent watch, pay close attention, keep within bounds, beware, look narrowly, hedge about, be on guard, watch!  Lest you forget...Lest you act corruptly...Lest you become compromised...Lest you act presumptuously...Lest you worship the gods of other nations and serve them...Lest your stay in the Promised Land be cut short...Lest you drink of the judgment that God is pouring out on those who forsake HIM for strange gods.”  Brad Reichs

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