Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Vast Right Wing Conspiracy--Again

Vast Right Wing Conspiracy--Again by Bill Wilson

Poor Hillary Clinton. The right-wing lunatics who have always stood in the breech against the Clinton Dynasty's brand of truth are at it again.

Instead of trying to bring down her philandering husband who lied to Congress about having sex with an impressionable intern, this time they are after her.

A Democrat-appointed FBI Director, who was repeatedly told by Democrat-appointed Justice Department leaders to stop investigating the Clinton's Foundation for financial improprieties, influence peddling and representing foreign entities such as Islamic terrorist states, gave in to the conspiracy.

The unredeemable deplorables, living in the basements of their parents, are coming full force.
It is the Clintons' modus operandi--to deny, deny, deny and to attack their accusers by questioning their morality, ethics, credibility, or whatever else might work.

Trouble is, this time, the accusers are their own people who have been caught in a web of lies, deceit and mobster-like activities.

Whether Hillary Clinton and her supporting cast of crooks were just careless or they believed they were above the law remains to be seen.

The extent that they were involved in a lewd political power struggle of money, Islam, influence peddling, bribery, death and other high crimes and misdemeanors also remains to be seen. But one thing for sure: The Clintons' will attack and malign all who speak against them.
Already the narrative is that FBI Director James Comey is breaking the law by announcing that he is reopening the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton because he seeks to influence the election.

Comey also is being skewered for sending a letter to only Republican Congressmen about the reopening of the investigation. This is a blatant lie, the letter was sent to Congressional Committee leaders-both Democrat and Republican.

Like a ferocious junk yard dog, Hillary is going to go after her opponent, Comey, Republican leaders, and all who may get in her maniacal way because she sees her grip on her organized crime scheme slipping through her fingertips.
Yes, all these people, and you, too, if you oppose her ways, are responsible. All are part of the conspiracy. Never mind that she and her minions are outside the law, and actually have done the unethical, perhaps treasonous deeds, that have been documented against her.

It is Poor Hillary Clinton, the victim. And we should all feel sorry for her, this helpless misunderstood person who is just trying to make history.

What she has done is deplorable, and yet she believes she should still become president of the United States.

As Jesus said in Matthew 7:20, "Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them."

Obviously, in Clinton's mind she should not be held accountable. It's you and me, the deplorable, unredeemable conspirators.

That's what she thinks of the average American.

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