Wednesday, November 2, 2016


"If you can't vote for the candidate, vote for his policies."

Weigh the policies of each candidate and vote for the one who will legislate in accordance with what you believe.

Believe in abortion? Vote for Hillary.
Believe in life? Vote for Trump.

Believe in same sex marriage? Vote for Hillary.
Believe in traditional marriage and family? Vote for Trump.

Believe in big government? Vote for Hillary.
Believe in the CONSTITUTION? Vote for Trump.

Believe liberal Supreme Court Justices should be appointed? Vpte for Hillary.
Believe conservative Justices who uphold the CONSTITUTION should be appointed? Vote for Trump.

Believe entities that hate us should support the candidate? Vote for Hillary.
Believe entities that hate us should be banned from immigrating? Vote for Trump.

Believe in open borders? Vote for Hillary.
Believe in "ONE NATION UNDER GOD?" Vote for Trump.

Believe your tax dollars should go to illegal immigrants? Vote for Hillary.
Believe your tax dollars should support AMERICANS? Vote for Trump.

Believe government employees should get rich through their power and connections? Vote for Hillary.
Believe government employees should strive toward the well-being of the people? Vote for Trump.

Believe in greater islamic influence in AMERICA? Vote for Hillary.
Believe in traditional CHRISTIANITY? Vote for Trump.



Weigh your vote carefully and VOTE PRAYERFULLY!

While Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton may both be "morally objectionable," there's a definite difference in their policies.

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