Sunday, June 19, 2011

Plan Good and Find Love

June 19

There are side benefits to goodness. In keeping with that thought is the old saying, ‘Everything that goes around comes around.’ The reality of that truth substantiates the Golden Rule which affirms that we must, ‘Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.’

The Word goes so far as to say that we should do good to our enemies (Proverbs 25: 21, 22) and thereby, we shall, “…heap coals of fire upon his head.” This seems to indicate that in returning kindness for animus, the person of faith causes his enemy to ponder his own attitude—and perhaps bring him to a mindset that is in tune with God.

This is all well and good for the individual who is the enemy of the person of faith. Is there any advantage to the believer in complying with the philosophy of rendering kindness for unkindness? Indeed, the Word tells us that there is. Though it is stated in many places, in many ways, one very clear promise in the matter is found in Proverbs.

These words, attributed to Solomon, the wisest man who has ever lived may be found in Proverbs 14:22 where it says, “Those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.” The outcome of doing good to others, of supplying the needs of even ones enemies assures that believers will find good, for they, “…reap what they sow” Galatians 6:7.

1 comment:

  1. It is Fathers' Day. May I remind the man reading this today that it is his honor to be not only the man who loves his wife and children with every fiber of his being and who has the responsibility of providing for their needs but it is his great privilege of being prophet and priest over his home.

    As the prophet, he is charged with spending time before God, with hearing HIS voice and with carrying the message that he receives from HIM to his wife and children. When he says, 'Thus saith the Lord,' it must be because he has indeed heard from the Lord.

    As the priest, it is his labor of love to carry the needs of his wife and children before the Throne of Mercy and Grace and to there bow before the Power of Heaven in supplication and with tears in the behalf of the precious ones who have been entrusted to him.

    May the true heart of the Eternal Father be awakened within and manifested through the hearts of men as they lay aside self and lift up Jesus. May YOUR children see Christ in you. And remember, the best thing that a father can do for his children, aside from teaching them of Jesus is to love their mother.'
