Saturday, April 7, 2012

Jesus Takes Away Our Sin

April 7

Are you feeling in a slump? Do the cares of life have you languishing under the stress of them? Do the trials you face press so heavily upon you that you feel like you have the weight of the world dragging by a chain that’s around your neck? If so, there are some words of great comfort to be found in the scriptures.

One thing that often precipitates our sense of being overwhelmed with care is sin. We may not like to think about that. We may not care to acknowledge our complicity in our own misery, but the truth is that much of the burden we bear has been placed upon us by our own hands.

When we as children are disobedient to our parents, we provoke them to anger and their discipline follows. When we as adults elect to ‘cheat’ on our spouses, we provoke the stressful juggling of lies and subterfuge that our extra-marital involvement requires of us. When we indulge power-grabbing politicians, we ultimately become burdened by their oppressive demands. What begins as an exercise of ‘freedom’ becomes a weight of oppression upon us.

But when we return to the Biblical law of life, we discover as David did in Psalm 19:7, that, “The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are true and righteous altogether, making wise the simple.” We further find help from the burden of sin when we, “Cast it all upon Jesus, knowing that He cares…” I Peter 5:7. Jesus takes away our sin and when He does, our burden is lifted indeed! Jesus takes away our sin and we walk tall.

Because we know the sin we've done is sealed in a tomb--carried to the grave in our behalf--we need not bear it any more! Let us reach out to the One whose sacrifice has set us free! Let us lay our lives at His nail-scared feet even as our sin was laid upon His sinless person.

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