Sunday, January 20, 2013

Loving Sacrifice

January 20

"Love is the dynamic motivation behind every worthy purpose; it is the upward thrust that lifts men to the heights." Wilferd A. Peterson

Love is indeed what the Lord desires would motivate us to do what we do. If our spouse, our children, were not the dearest things in life to us we would not toil for years at unrewarding jobs to make their lives pleasant and their needs supplied. We would not endure daily stress and weariness that could reduce us to hopelessness except that we labor tirelessly, often without reward, because we love. Our love lifts us up because we know our effort allows their lives to be filled with good things--our joy comes from seeing them blessed. This tracks with I Timothy 5:8 which tells us that if we neglect to provide for our own, we are worse than infidels.

Imagine this same scenario with you as the object of selfless love, for indeed you are. Your Jesus loves you so much that HE who thought it not robbery to be equal with God made Himself of no reputation and took on Himself the form of a man and subjected Himself to death—even the death of the cross,” Philippians 2:6-8, just because He loves you! Yes, Jesus loves you so much that HE willingly denied Himself the glory that was His in order to assure that your life could be eternally secure.

Jesus wants you to abide in the blessings He has sacrificed to provide for you even as you want those you love to abide in the blessings you have sacrificed to provide for them. If they are miserable and despondent, your laying aside your personal pursuit of happiness is for nothing. If you are miserable and despondent, Christ's laying aside of His deity in order to bless you for time and eternity is for nothing. Put the burden that is robbing you of the fullness of the joy of your salvation at the feet of Jesus for He has invited you to place it upon Him (I Peter 5:7).

Appropriate the JOY OF THE LORD and allow it to be YOUR STRENGTH as HE PROMISES IT IS (Nehemiah 8:10). You and Jesus have a victory. Don't deny yourself the manifestations of that victory--don't deny yourself the hope, peace, truth, joy, prosperity, love that He has provided for you. He gave a lot for you to have these heavenly treasures, just as you give a lot to supply those you love with the needs of life. The price of these heavenly needs was paid in full. They are yours. When you appropriate them, you will be happy and blessed; and even the angels will rejoice (Luke 15:10).

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