Thursday, December 28, 2017

God's Love

God's love is beyond our ability to comprehend. We cannot begin to fathom the purity of His love, for any love of ours is tinged with selfishness...we want love back; unrequited love is but the stuff of melancholy country songs.

Yes, God wants our love, but He continues to give love to us even if we do not allow ourselves to be the recipient of His tender inclination toward us.

God loves us, and Christ's propitiatory death in our behalf was for the sins of all people--even if all people turn their backs upon His "unspeakable gift."

And it is the kindness of His love that woos the sinner by the power of His Holy Spirit, compelling the one who is lost in sin to come out of the darkness of sin's bleak night into the glorious light of salvation's bright day.

Image may contain: text, nature and outdoor

Not condemnation. Not fear. Not my own striving. It's the kindness of a Loving Father that gives me the strength to make the right decision.

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