Sunday, March 24, 2019

How Much Do You Need?

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be." JESUS
No matter how much money you have, the BIBLE is true where it says, "From dust thou art to dust return." No matter how large or small (or non-existent) your financial portfolio, you will take nothing of it with you when you pass from this life to life eternal.
What you will take with you is what you have in Christ, what you have from the loving God who gave Himself for you, who washed you free from sin in His own shed blood--SO YOU CAN REIGN WITH HIM ETERNALLY.
Is that where your treasure is? Are you washed in the blood?
Have you placed your life at the foot of the cross?
Are you one with the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit in you?
Can you say with the martyrs that death here is far to be preferred to the eternal death that separates mortals from the eternal promises of the Lord?
Let your treasure be with JESUS, for HE gives the only high and glorious rate of return.
About this website
It's easier to be rich in some places than others.

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