Monday, July 29, 2019


Delivered by Kathy DeGraw
Today we have the Spirit of the Lord our healer living in us, restoring and renewing all the things that are out of place, if by faith we believe it. We cannot allow anxiety, depression, disease and adverse circumstances to steal our joy and our promise of blessing. All adversity must become a springboard that will lead us higher in Christ Jesus.
If you've prayed but have seen no change, don't be discouraged. Continue faithfully in your prayers. However, when a persistent problem in your family continues despite prayers, sometimes a deeper root is involved. This deeper problem is often called a stronghold of the enemy, a generational curse or a familiar spirit. No matter what you call it, it is a deeply rooted issue that has been in a family for years and continues to repeat itself in a pattern of destruction in a generation after generation.
It might take more targeted prayers that get to the root of the issue to see your family break free from this type of stronghold.
Here's how to break deeply rooted family patterns that might be the cause of your problem. It will also help you understand how to pray for serious situations, such as rebellion or addiction, and for prodigal children who are not living for God.
The Scriptures are active, dynamic and powerful to destroy and tear down strongholds, curses and all bad attitudes and behavior. The strongholds from the enemy against you and your children are very real. But the Word tells you that you have powerful weapons. Using the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) in your mouth, your thoughts and your heart, you are able to launch your prayers with confidence. That's why I feel it is essential that you prepare your heart and mind.
As you use the Word of God in your mouth, mind and heart, you are destroying strongholds and disarming evil spirits that are fighting against the lives of you and your children.
Jeremiah 32:18 says, "You show lovingkindness to thousands, and repay the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them—the Great, the Mighty God, whose name is the LORD of hosts."
This verse teaches us a great truth: the sins of the parents are transferred to the children. The Word is clear that God punishes the sins of the parents in their children after them. It is only when a repentant parent stands in the gap for the children and breaks the inherited curses that the children may be free. As long as they are linked to the curse of parents, negative and dysfunctional behavior can continue to occur for many generations.
The parents are the ones that will establish roots that will develop the character and behavior of the children. When a parent is willing to change and receive specific prayer to cancel curses, sins and customs that do not please God, the family will begin to see significant changes in the behavior and atmosphere of the home and personal relationships.
What is true about sin is also true about wounds. When someone is emotionally hurt in his or her family relationships, their and their children's behavior and character are affected in adverse and negative ways.
We need to have a compassionate heart for the injured people we know. But we also have to be careful as parents not to hurt our children and cause negative changes in their character and behavior. It does not mean that we give way to sin but that we are compassionate and help them to heal.
If, as a parent you will need to heal from the hurts of the past, my wish is that you can find complete healing as you speak Scripture and prayers over yourself and your children. If you do not, the curses continue to go from parents to children. It is vital that you break the curses and strongholds of the past in your family.

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