Thursday, July 25, 2019

That Nocturnal Trek

That Nocturnal Trek
Take a little time to let your body adjust when you get up at night to go to the toilet because if you get up immediately, the brain will not have enough blood for proper circulation.
Spend three and a half minutes allowing your body to acclimate to being awake and up before you proceed to your intended purpose.
Why are the three and a half minutes so important?
In the middle of the night, when the desire to urinate wakes you up, the ECG pattern can change. By suddenly rising, the brain will be anemic and will cause heart failure for lack of blood.
It is advisable to practice the three minutes and a half, which are as follows:
1. When you wake up, stay in bed for a minute and a half.
2. Sit in the bed during the next half-minute;
3. Lower your legs and sit on the edge of the bed for half a minute. After three and a half minutes, your brain will no longer be anemic and your heart will not weaken, which will reduce the risk of falling and sudden death.
Share with your family, friends and loved ones. This can happen no matter the age.

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