Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pray for Your Brother's Ministry

Pray for a brother who has a powerful ministry:
There is this thought that often drives us: that we will somehow be able to carry this or that lost soul into the Kingdom -- after all, the message we bring should cause them to repent, and our life and service should encourage them to place their trust in Christ, and our discipling and teaching should help them walk in His holy love!
But then we catch a glimpse of God's sovereignty, and we're put back in our place!
Here are a couple of Spirit moves that recently did that:
1. Thunder. After a few months of unanswered phone calls and messages, I gave up trying to contact him and was having doubts about his conversion. Then a few days ago, I was prompted by the Spirit to call him again. Faithless, I still expected to have to leave him another upbraiding message. To my surprise he picked up his phone right away, and I heard the familiar "Hello Brother Amal" on the other end. We reconnected rather quickly and spent half an hour on the phone encouraging and praying for one another! His workload had been quite strenuous and continues to be, but we agreed to speak once a week until such time as he returned to Lincoln and was back in fellowship (perhaps in the fall?). The Spirit moves when and as He wills...
2. Lilac. She has been saying she loves Jesus ever since we met her a few years ago. We and others have visited and shared and prayed with her regularly. But Jesus seemed to be another 'lord' to turn to, among others, as needed. Recently we were in her area of town, having visited with a pastor in preparation for possibly holding English classes at a new location in the fall. Prompted by the Spirit, we dropped in on her. As always, she was very gracious and joyfully received us in her home. We talked about the previous Sunday, when she had fallen sick and missed a special service with a guest speaker and guest singer-songwriter. When we shared a little bit of the guest singer's testimony and played one of her songs (YouTube can be useful), she teared up and shared that she counted herself a follower of Jesus, and that was what she wanted for all her children. To affirm her trust in Christ alone, we led her in a prayer of repentance and faith. Before leaving, we sang a favorite Arabic hymn together. The Spirit moves when and as He wills...
Now for a few brief updates and prayer needs:
1. Our June VBS saw record attendance: over 130 kids registered, and average daily numbers (as well as temperatures) were in the 90's! Needless to say, we had a few behavioral issues (and everyone enjoyed water games)! All in all, however, the OK team, together with our team of Lincolnites, did a good job (driving, teaching, supervising, caring, confronting), and much fun and interaction and sowing and watering happened. But we wait on God for the increase. As far as we know, there was one profession of faith. Pray for gospel breakthroughs in all the communities of our new neighbors that were represented at VBS.
2. Foreign-speaking fellowship. As mentioned above, we had good attendance for our special Sunday. We will be gone for two weeks in August, during which time no services will be held. Pray for quick regrouping when we return. And continue to pray for gospel breakthroughs among the communities of our new neighbors that are represented in the church.
3. Family in turmoil. One family attending the church (no professions of faith, as far as we know) has been torn asunder by internal strife. Permanent separation is being sought by one spouse. Parents are angry, and children are confused. Pray for repentance, reconciliation, and restoration.
4. Travels. Again please pray for a good trip all around, in terms of safety (we're driving a new used van on its first road trip), rest (from our Lincoln labors), rest in the Lord (always), Mom's adjustments (things will vary from her normal routines), and good times on the road as a family (Matthew will be with us, and Amanda will join us for a few days)...
In His love and grace,
"The wind/Spirit blows where it/He wills" John 3:8
"No one can come to Me unless the Father draws him." John 6:44
"When He comes, He will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment." John 16:8
"No one can say 'Jesus is Lord' except in the Holy Spirit."
1 Corinthians 12:3

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