Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Prophetic Word

A Prophetic Word
James Nesbit

Heavenly Father, on this 280th day of President Trumps third year in office, and 1010th day of his first term, we are thanking You for this modern day Cyrus!
Thank You, for opening the flood gates of blessings and favor over him!
As fas as his enemies are concerned,
According as their deeds deserve, repay:
Your Justice to his adversaries,
and retribution to all those who have deliberately tried overturn the 2016 election!
Thank You for Blessing Attorney General Barr, and John Durham and the team that the have assembled to be very precise and accurate, in administering Your Justice!
Thank You visiting all of the Swamp elite with your fear,
As they see what is unfolding!
Yes Lord, Your Justice from the west
And Your glory from the rising of the sun.
We thank You, that You are coming in like a narrow, mighty rushing stream which Your Breath is Driving, Your driving breath; Overwhelming every strong hold of the enemy.
In Amos 3:7 You tell us, "Surely Lord God You do nothing
Without revealing Your secret plans to Your servants the prophets."
We magnify the words of Kim Clement this day; Words that he released in 2007 and 2014 as we honor Your word through his lips heavenly Father!
“Trump shall become a trumpet,” says the Lord!
"They will cry Impeach, Impeach, but he will serve two terms!"
"There will be two terms of a praying President in the Oval Office, He will come in praying gently, but I will fill him with My Spirit and he will ROAR!"
"I have told you there will be an invasion of the news media. Instruments that once mocked Me will be instruments that now raise Me up," says the Lord.
- Kim Clement
We say Yes and Amen, let the invasion begin!
We thank You Father, for moving in every News Organization with such conviction, men and women are crying out, What must I do to be saved!
Thank You Father, that there is a seeking of Your face in America that has never been seen before!
Thank You, that there is a massive seeking, and seeing
Of You Lord while You still may be found,
Thank You, that there is a Tsunami of Holy Knowing
Breaking over the land.
And ALL are awakening to the need to call upon You!
Thank You, that the wicked are forsaking their way,
And the unrighteous men their thoughts;
And they are running to Your Mercy Seat
In the Great Return to You Lord,
And You are having mercy on them.
We magnify Your Great Name O God,
For Your abundant pardon.
“For Your thoughts are not our thoughts,
Nor are our ways Your ways,”
Yep, that's what You say Lord!
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are Your ways higher than our ways,
And Your thoughts than our thoughts.
Your Word "BE" that goes forth from Your mouth;
It shall not return to You void,
But it shall accomplish what You please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which You send it.
We are thanking You on this Glorious Morning
That ALL of those that You formed in their mother's wombs for such a time as this, are going out with joy,
And being led out with great peace in confident rest!
Thank You, for filling ALL of them with peace that passes understanding, as they SEE just how skillfully You deal with those who exalt themselves, trample on Your Order and Your Justice, and do what is right in their own eyes!
Yes Lord, we say ORDER in the Court; As we raise a Hallelujah!
In Jesus Mighty Name we pray!

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